by Catherine Steiner-Adair Ed. D. | Jan 7, 2015 | All Media, Podcast, Web
In a 20-minute Podcast, Dr. Steiner-Adair talks about parenting in the digital age. “It’s wonderful. Kids can have friends around the world. That is so cool. I am not anti-tech. You have to pay attention as grown-ups, as parents, and for our children to how we are...
by Catherine Steiner-Adair Ed. D. | Jan 7, 2015 | All Media, Web
New research says boys who engage in sexting and the hookup culture’s sexualized behavior say they have no intention to be hostile or demeaning. While they admit they are pushing limits, they also think they are simply courting. They describe it as...
by Catherine Steiner-Adair Ed. D. | Jan 7, 2015 | All Media, Web
A humorous take on Dr. Steiner-Adair’s popular checklist for signs of tech dependence and addiction.
by Catherine Steiner-Adair Ed. D. | Jan 7, 2015 | All Media, Print
In a starred review, The Big Disconnect is called a must-have for every parent. order provigil Excerpt: In a book that should be required reading for all parents, Steiner-Adair examines the extraordinary negative impact of the digital revolution on parents and...
by Catherine Steiner-Adair Ed. D. | Jan 7, 2015 | All Media, Print
Excerpt: Parents face the paradox of the faster, broader communication and access to information that technology brings leading to disconnection in the family as its members communicate less often face-to-face. Clinical psychologist and family therapist Steiner-Adair...